A Machinery Expert
An Expert in Manufacturing, Equipment & Machines, and Automation Devices
Insurance Claims
Dr. William S Howard can analyze an insurance claim on machinery to determine it's accuracy and validity. He can determine the Fair Market Value, the Replacement Value and/or Depreciated Value of machinery that has been damaged or destroyed. His financial background and experience has assisted clients in obtaining a fair settlement for damaged machinery.Dr. Howard has the practical experience to understand the value of any type of industrial machinery.
Contract DIspute
Dr. William S. Howard can assist companies involved in a contract dispute (or other disagreement) to determine the Fair Market Value of industrial machinery and equipment. He can also assist in the determination of the Fair Market Value of patents or trade secrets for machinery and equipment.Dr. Howard has a strong background, including an MBA, as well as many years of experience -- so he can be an invaluable assesst in appraising machines, equipment, and automation.
OSHA Training
Dr. William S Howard holds seminars and training on OSHA safety and machine guarding.Dr. William S Howard is knowledgeable in all aspects of machine safeguarding, according to OSHA regulations. He provides high-level, advanced training course the cover such topics as machine guarding, OSHA Regulations, ANSI Standards, Machinery Risk Assessments, lockout / tagout, safey warning labels, and interlocks.
OSHA Training Courses